Wednesday 6 January 2016

Cursive Writing 'qu'

We started to learn cursive writing before Christmas and we're doing really well in room 1.

This is our first week back after Christmas and we've started to join our first two letters together - q and u to make the sound 'qu'.

We came up with a story about a thirsty queen who starts in the park. She travels up to her castle but gets very thirsty and travels all around the castle to look for milk. When she finds milk she goes back to the castle to drink it in peace. She then decides to go for a swim in the swimming pool so she travels down to the pool and takes off her crown before diving in. When she finishes her swim she goes to the Lighthouse Cinema to watch Star Wars. The queen loves the film so much that she travels around town to go to a different cinema to watch the film again! She leaves and starts to head to her other palace for the evening.

We can think of many words which have the 'qu' sound! We thought of queen, quack, liquid, squash and quit.

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